
Site last updated 5/20/2024
Emote commissions are available here

Commission Status

Please read over this site completely before DMing me for information.

Private Inquiries on selective basis
Recommendation preferred
No bookings until after October
Public Applications: TBD

Last updated 05/20/2024

Due to numerous returning clients, public applications will continue to be relatively limited for the foreseeable future. At most there may be one public application period per year.In regards to more complicated questions that are not answered on this site, the fastest response will be through Twitter DMs. However please keep in mind that I do get a good amount of messages and it may take me some time to respond.

* Model art is no longer being offered and is only available to my previous art+rig clients.


No. I do not have an open waitlist. If you would like a slot, you will need to either inquire via a referral, or wait for the public application period to apply. The selected applications will be added to a queue that I will work through.

Public applications open if there if extended open space in my schedule. There is currently no set date for the next re-opening. The application period will last a few days, and accepted applicants will be contacted and confirmed over the course of the following week. Please expect 1 week of downtime as I carefully look over applications.

I will announce once every accepted applicant has been messaged and confirmed. Due to the number of applications I receive, I cannot message every person who I am not able to accept. Due to this, I recommend that you keep an eye on this site as well as my twitter during that period of time.

Yes. I will only be accepting finished PSDs, as I need to confirm the layer and part setup.

There are a few main things that will make me more inclined to accept your application. Nicely layered PSDs, permission to live stream the process, and flexible schedules. I do also prefer people who plan to be actively using their model! It's always nice to be able to see the work I've done in motion (*´∀`)

There will be areas to include details about your desired commission, including things such as: Desired toggles, expressions and animations, deadline flexibility and schedule, PSD upload, PayPal email for invoicing, tracking method you will be using, as well as permission for me to livestream working on your model. Please note that I do prefer being able to livestream the work over not.

In general, it will take anywhere from 2~6 weeks to complete a complex full body rig.

I will look at each person's schedules and adjust to ideally fit everyone's time frame and flexibility. In the case that 2 people have the same general desired deadline, I will try to work with both parties to adjust the schedule. Because of this, I do prefer to go with clients who are more flexible with their timelines.

I will look at all potential client's applications and decide on a select few. I am not able to accept every commission, and I often recommend applying to other rigger's applications as there is no guarantee that I will take on your commission when you apply.Commissions will be worked on one at a time, with possible exceptions depending on client-side delays.


Rigging Commission

TypeStarting Price
Half Body$2800+
Full Body$4500+

Prices Updated as of 2/19/2024
Prices are subject to change
Newly updated prices will not change the price of already accepted commission applications.

Half Body rigging is from the waist up - the lower body will be very minimally adjusted. Detailed finger movement will also not be included.

Additional Costs/Options

All listed price estimations can vary depending on the complexity

Design Complexity$0~$1000
Experimental Features/Parts$50/hour
Privacy Fee (I will not stream or post WIPs)+20% of total
Expressions (alternate mouth, eye, brow forms)$10~$200
Animated Expression (falling tears, sweat, sparkles etc.)$60+
Toggles for model parts$30+
Hand/Arm Poses/Animations$80~$500
Animal Tail and Ear physics (or idle animation)$40+
Improper PSD Setup (depends on severity)$30+
PSD Correction Notes*$50 per page
Additional Outfit*$1000+
Additional Hairstyle*$400+

*If PSD correction notes are needed, in the case that it exceeds 1 page, a $50 charge will be added for every additional page.*Additional outfits and hairstyles will vary in price depending on how different they are from the original model, as well as the amount of parts/layers. If possible, I ask for the pose of the alternate outfit to be the same as the original outfit, for highest efficiency.*For additional outfits or hairstyles, I will not do these for the initial commission. These will have to be scheduled at a later time, apart from the original model's rigging. This is to prevent burnout!

Advanced Mouth Tracking (iOS Only)

For clients interested in Vbridger, please test out the Vbridger Tester first. Depending on your iOS device and iOS version, the tracking quality may vary.

Vbridger* (AR Kit) Mouth Tracking$400
Tongue Out$250
Cheek Puff (with extra layers)$40

*Vbridger is a program that connects to iFacialMocap or VtubeStudio for tracking. The program costs $9.99 USD. For more information click here!

  • Extras not listed can be discussed

  • Additional costs will vary, and will be discussed and adjusted with the client according to what is requested

  • If there are plans to use the model for business purposes (this applies to a company or a talent agency commission), the total price will be adjusted according to the scale of the project. In general, corporate work that requires cmo3 project file handover will be 2x the base price.

  • Not taking rigging commissions for furry characters or mechanical characters at this time. (ears/tails are OK)

Rigging Examples

Detailed Eye, Eyelid, Eyebrow Movement

Model: Jolly Estaa

Angle X, Y, Z

Model: Cuco

Hair, Bust, Body+Face Bounce Physics

Animal Ear Physics


Model: Laimu

Normal Mouth Movement

Model: Ardalita Lilibelle

Vbridger Mouth Movement

Model: Vai

Live2D Purchasable Resources

Live2D Full Body example project - Available on gumroad, itch.io, and BOOTHThe project contains basic as well as advanced rigging concepts.


Live2D Hair Physics example project - Available on itch.io and BOOTHThe project displays various physic setups for hair. These concepts can be applied to many other things, such as clothing or accessories.



Recommended Learning Resources

This page is a list of resources I find helpful when it comes to part split up and rigging techniques. I will try to keep updating this as I find more helpful things.

Overall Information

I highly recommend looking through Faf’s Live2D Commissions &
Model Art Guide
. It covers a lot of topics and has many links to other resources.

Part Separation

Angle References

Advanced Rigging Techniques

Terms of Service


  • I have the right to refuse any project.

  • The finished model files given to the client are for runtime only. Live2D project files for the model will not be given to the client.

  • I require credit to be clearly written in an easy to see place. This should be in your Twitter/SNS bio and about page on your channel.

  • Clients must fully disclose any planned dates for debuts of the rigged model, and deadlines cannot be hastened after the commission process has been started.

  • Clients are not permitted, under any circumstances, to use any part of their commissioned art and or rig for non fungible tokens. Use of my art and or rigging for any advertising or profits associated with non fungible tokens or cryptocurrency is strictly prohibited.

Applications and Process

  • In most cases, I will not rig a previously rigged model. There are rare exceptions, and in those cases I require written permission from both the model artist and the original live2d rigger.

  • Individual slots will not be taken until I have confirmed details with the client and have decided to take on the project.

  • Up to 3 revisions are offered while the model rigging is in progress. Once the first version of the final model is sent to the client, up to 5 minor revisions will be offered. Additional revisions will be subject to a fee. (starting at 3% of total price)

  • I require a 2~4 week window for finishing the project. This window starts when I begin your project, and not when you take a slot or are added to the waitlist.

  • In the case that permission is given to livestream working on your commission, there is a possibility that I will test the movement of your model with tracking software on stream.


  • I do not offer refunds. I only accept payment once I am ready to start on a project.

  • Express will be an additional cost that will be discussed with the client. Depending on the design or overall complexity of the commission, I may not be able to accept it if the deadline is still too tight. In cases like these, I am open to discussing pushing certain parts of the rigging to a later date.

  • Payment can be split up between base rigging price and add-ons, depending on the project details. Payment must be made up-front before the work will begin.

  • Invoices will be made and sent via PayPal. Payments will only be accepted through PayPal.


  • (Referred Inquiries) Project details are reviewed and discussed

  • (Public Applications) Commission application is taken via Google Forms; in the week following the closing of the applications, applicants that were accepted are contacted

  • Client confirms the final quote, as well as project timeline

  • Invoice sent to client (via PayPal)

  • Invoice is paid; work on the commission begins

  • Progress videos or pictures are sent to the client throughout the work period; adjustments are made according to any feedback

  • Once the model is complete, a .zip file with the runtime model folder for Vtube Studio is sent to the client

  • If there are any small adjustments desired by the client after trying out the model, these points will be fixed and a new version of the files will be sent

  • If tracking settings require any adjustments, assistance will be provided to the client

  • If the client would like additions or new parts/features added to the model at a later time, scheduling can be discussed. Current commissions will be prioritized over any adjustments or additions for past models

Model Art + Rigging
